DEXA Body Composition Scan

At Revitalize, we use cutting-edge technology to help determine your goals around fitness, weight loss, longevity, and functional life span.  Dexa Body Composition analysis is the most accurate body composition test in the world.  

What is a DEXA Body Composition scan?

DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan – also called DXA or a bone densitometry scan – uses X-ray imaging to give you a comprehensive body composition analysis. The results include total body fat percentage, muscle mass, visceral fat, bone density, and body symmetry. A DEXA scan is great for getting an initial body composition assessment measure and track progress of how your body changes over time.

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How does a DEXA scan work?

Most people are used to stepping on a scale now and then. However, monitoring weight loss is not the best way to assess wellness or fitness. DEXA body composition scans give you highly accurate breakdowns of muscle, fat, and bone density.

The Technology

You now have acccess to the same technology used by professional sports teams and Olympians to optimize competitor body composition. 

The machine has an imaging device that uses X-ray technology known as a C-Arm that shifts continuously throughout the process, providing a whole-body scan. Photons that attenuate at two distinct energy levels are released during a DEXA body composition scan to distinguish between bone mass and soft tissues. The full-body image and analysis are produced by a unique combination of frequencies prompted by the differences between bone, fat, and lean mass density.

The precision of DEXA scans is even more remarkable than their exceptionally high level of accuracy. The ability to monitor subtle and significant shifts in body composition and distribution over time makes a DEXA truly valuable. Although DEXA scans are comparable, it is crucial to test on the same equipment each time for optimal results. 

Please note that DEXA scans do subject you to small amounts of radiation.  A whole body scan produces a level of radiation equivalent to flying in an airplane from New York to California.

Your Appointment

Upon arrival, you will be greeted and taken back to meet with our licensed technologist, who will perform the DEXA body composition scan for you.  You will receive a bin to store any metal objects during the test. After measuring your height and weight, the technician will help position your body to get the best image. The C-Arm will move up and down your body for roughly 6 minutes until it has captured a complete image.

After your scan, we will review your results with you, highlight any health risks associated with your results, and give you suggestions on the next steps to achieve any goals you set. (i.e. reduce risk, gain muscle, lose fat, increase bone density, additional testing, etc.) 

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What are the benefits of a DEXA scan?

Whether your goal is to lose, gain, or maintain your weight, the DEXA scan provides an in-depth body fat analysis, including a breakdown of subcutaneous fat vs visceral fat mass, lean tissue mass, and bone density. Knowing this information about your body is crucial for optimizing your wellness, preventing disease, and tracking change over time.

Regardless of your weight loss, weight gain, or weight management goals, the DEXA body composition analysis offers an extensive examination of your total body fat percentage. This includes an analysis of lean tissue mass, bone health and density, and subcutaneous fat versus visceral fat mass. To maximize your well-being, avoid illness, and monitor any changes over time, you must be knowledgeable and have ready access to these essential facts about your body.

Look beyond the bathroom scale

Have you ever started a new exercise regimen or diet and been shocked or annoyed by your weight gain instead of loss? As hard as it might be to accept, this is not unusual. Most individuals don’t know the significance that weight can represent or how the body (and its weight) fluctuates throughout the day. At times, during exercise, the body may use energy from muscle mass instead of fat mass if there is a caloric deficit or an imbalance in the intake of macronutrients. The DEXA body composition scan is a valuable monitoring tool because it allows you to closely examine your muscle and fat tissue locations and track changes over time. Consistent testing helps to confirm that you are on track or reaching your goals and burning or gaining body mass in the best way for you and your body.

Furthermore, Visceral Adipose Tissue—the invisible fat that resides in between your organs—can be a significant contributing factor when it comes to unexpected increases in body fat. Hidden deep inside the body, this type of fat is most dangerous since it cannot be viewed with the naked eye. A DEXA body composition scan is the only test capable of accurately identifying whether a person – even one who is lean and seemingly healthy – has harmful levels of visceral adipose tissue present in their body.

BMI vs. Dexa

One of the most common measurements for determining a person’s healthy weight for height is their body mass index or BMI. This approach, however, has a lot of drawbacks. Bone, the densest substance in the body, is followed by fat, which is the least dense, and muscle in between. So, despite sharing similar weights, individuals tested using BMI may have significantly different body compositions that would result in an inaccurate reading or assessment. An individual with low muscle mass and severe obesity, for instance, may weigh the same as a lean person who has substantial muscular mass. 

BMI does not take into account any additional factors that may contribute to weight because it is based entirely on height and weight.  This is among the many benefits of using body composition scans. To deliver the most accurate overview and image of your well-being and determine wellness risks, a DEXA body composition analysis can effectively distinguish between fat and lean mass in each part of an individual’s body. 

Note: BMI is a valuable measurement for evaluating the stress on joints due to weight. Every pound of body weight places four to six pounds of pressure on each knee joint, regardless of contributing factors.

How do I prepare for a DEXA Body Composition scan?

Wearing light, comfortable, form-fitting clothing—such as gym attire—is the best way to dress for a DEXA scan. You should NOT have on any metal or jewelry. Wear clothing free of underwires, belts, snaps, fasteners, and zippers. Loose-fitting sweats should also be avoided.

Do not take calcium supplements for 24 hours before testing.

Fasting 3 hours before testing is recommended while remaining hydrated and using the bathroom before the scan. Individuals should avoid vigorous exercises or activity for four to six hours before the scan is scheduled to occur.  If you have any metal in your body, let the technician know ahead of the scan so they can take that into account when analyzing the scan. The accuracy of your results may be impacted by this. If you suspect you could be pregnant, do not get a DEXA body composition scan.

How Often Should I Get Tested?

Although DEXA scans are highly accurate, their precision is even more impressive. The real significance of these tests stems from their capacity to monitor subtle and significant shifts in body composition and distribution over time. DEXA scans are incredibly similar to one another.  How often you should be tested will depend on how strict your diet and workout routines are. Typically, we advise testing every three, six, or nine months.

We advise testing every six or nine months if your goal is to maintain your current body composition.  

We advise testing more regularly to ensure that you are on track for successfully achieving your goals if you are:

Beginning a new exercise program or plan 
Preparing for a race
Cutting down for a show 
Or looking to improve your overall health

We may advise testing every three to six months, depending on the training level and the timeframe set for your goals. 

What results are included with a DEXA Body Composition Analysis?

Your report will include a complete breakdown of body composition
by region as well as population comparisons with each metric.

Total Body Fat Percentage (%BF)

The percent of the body that is composed of fat. This will change based on the amount of fat there is as well as the amount of lean tissue mass there is.

Fat Mass/Height² (FMI)

This is a more accurate measure of obesity than BMI because it calculates only the amount of fat you have relative to your height. The higher this number is, the more fat you have in your body.

Android to Gynoid Ratio

The “apple” to “pear” shape ratio. It describes where the fat is stored. Android (apple shape) refers to having most of the fat around the stomach and mid-section. Gynoid (pear shape) refers to having the fat stored around the hips. A bigger number means more android and a smaller number means more gynoid. From a health risk standpoint, ideal values are believed to be less than 0.8 for women and 1.0 for men.

EST VAT Mass, Volume, and Area

These are measurement of visceral fat, the “bad fat” around the insides of organs. VAT area (cm²) > 100cm² has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease. 

Appendicular Lean Mass to Height Ratio (ALM/Height2)

The measurement of lean mass in the arms and legs relative to height. ALMI is an important indicator of overall health and strongly correlated to longevity. In one study of 1400 with an average age of 74 those in the lowest quartile for muscle mass after 12 years 50% of them were dead, compared to just 20% percent of those in the highest quartile. We strive to get our patients into the top 25% quartile for their age group and maintain that.

Bone Density

Shows how dense the bones are and can be used to assess the risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis. The z-score compares your bone density to what is normal for people similar in age and body size. The t-score compares your bone density to that of a 30-year-old. Anything higher than -1.0 is representative of normal bone density. Between -1.0 and -2.5 is a risk for osteopenia. Anything under -2.5 is a risk for osteoporosis.

What is body fat?

Body fat, sometimes referred to as adipose tissue, is a type of connective tissue that is distributed throughout the body and controls metabolism by releasing hormones that interact with organs and the brain. While sufficient fat mass is necessary for a healthy body to perform several vital functions, excessive body fat can be harmful. 

Adipose Tissue

As fat cells proliferate and expand in size, adipose tissue increases. Fat cells swell and accumulate throughout the body when an excessive amount of calories are consumed over an extended length of time. These cells cannot be eliminated once they are formed. However, dieting and other weight-loss techniques can reduce their size. There is a higher risk of Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease in larger fat cells since these cells are more insulin-resistant. This helps to explain why higher body fat percentages are linked to Type II diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and premature death.

Three main types of adipose tissue perform different and very important functions in overall body function:

White Fat

The term “body fat” typically conjures up mental images of white fat (fat that consists of a pale white or yellowish color.) It is mainly located around the belly, hips, and thighs and stores body fat. This type of fat is visceral (builds up around your organs) and is subcutaneous (graspable in the hand). 

Insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, and food intake are all influenced by the more than fifty hormones, enzymes, and growth factors secreted by white fat cells. Excessive white fat interferes with hormone function and can lead to Type II diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and early death, among other health issues. 

Brown Fat

Warming the body in cold weather and preventing hypothermia are essential and primary functions of brown fat. Brown fat creates the energy necessary for heating the body by breaking down sugar and fat. Brown fat additionally plays a role in controlling how these substrates are metabolized.

Brown fat levels peak in infancy and then decline with maturity.

Beige Fat

The characteristics of beige fat cells are a combination of both white and brown fat cells. These cells are thought to have originated from white cells (by a process known as “browning,” which is brought on by exposure to cold temperatures, a healthy diet, and exercise). Still, they burn energy similarly to brown fat cells. This makes them similar to a combination of white and brown fat cells. White cell clusters near the spine and collarbone typically include beige fat cells.

The location of fat varies, just as differing types of fat do not all share the same properties. The areas of the body where brown fat is found include under the clavicles and in the upper back. Typically gathering in the belly, hips, and thighs, white fat is most dangerous when hidden deep below the skin’s surface and invisible to the human eye. Let’s talk about the types of places fat can be found:

  • Subcutaneous Fat

    The layer of fat found just beneath the skin's surface and commonly accumulating in the back, waist, hips, thighs, and buttocks area is known as Subcutaneous Fat. This fat layer serves as a cushion for the body’s joints and bones and can be held in your hands. However, the risk for adipose-related diseases increases when too much of this type of fat is present in the body. 

  • Visceral Adipose Tissue

    White fat that accumulates deep in the abdominal cavity and wraps around the digestive organs, pancreas, intestines, liver, and heart is known as Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT). An elevated risk of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease is linked to high VAT levels. One common reason an athlete’s body fat percentage is higher than expected is this tissue. Not visible to the naked eye, this type of fat cannot be reduced by fitness alone. 
    The location and amount of VAT, or body fat, is known to predict long-term health. Normal levels of visceral fat shield and cushion organs, while elevated or excessive VAT levels are closely linked to metabolic syndrome. Risks for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, and hypertension all rise as a result. Increasing the risk of dementia, depression, arthritis, sexual dysfunction, and sleep difficulties, excess VAT can directly impact and have an adverse effect on lifestyle. Inflammatory substances are produced in larger quantities when extra fat is stored around the organs. They can disrupt hormones that regulate mood, appetite, weight, and brain activity.

    Visceral fat medical poster. Belly fat surrounds internal organs in abdominal cavity. Overweight disease concept. Losing weight, liposuction and diet. Obesity human silhouette flat vector illustration
  • Why is bone density so important?

    The concentration of minerals in your bones, mainly calcium and phosphorus, is known as bone density. Your bones get stronger and more “denser” as their mineral content increases. The strength of your bones is determined through a bone density test. Along with predicting the likelihood of bone fractures, this test can also identify whether you have a bone disease.

    Osteopenia, for example, is a reduction of bone mass resulting in the weakening of the bones due to calcium loss. Your bones may become increasingly fragile as you begin to lose calcium. Osteoporosis is a severe bone ailment that can develop over time due to your body’s inability to restore lost calcium as quickly as it is lost.

    Osteoporosis can weaken and deteriorate bones so that even the slightest accident may cause a break or a fracture. Over half of all women will develop Osteoporosis. Women also sustain approximately 80% of all hip fractures, which usually mark the end of independent living and require admission into a nursing home. Women are at higher risk for osteoporosis because estrogen is critical in the bone-rebuilding process, and levels decline significantly during and after menopause.  

    Bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteopenia can usually be prevented and is an important metric that we track and treat with our patients to ensure they have a long and healthy lifespan. 

What is a “normal” body fat percentage?

A person’s age and height are two factors that determine how many pounds of lean mass and fat they have on their bodies. Therefore, we employ the body fat percentage measurement to make each person’s unique data comparable when determining whether or not your fat mass is healthy.

National Comparison Data

DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) is the only body composition analysis tool that uses a large-scale database of population scans to compare your results with those of similar people. You will see how your body fat percentage and bone density compare to national averages for those of the same age, gender, and race as you.

Comparisons are based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which collected large-scale data on whole-body DXA scans of participants aged 8 years and older to provide nationally representative data on body composition. The study also collected data to examine the association between body composition and other health conditions and risk factors, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and activity and dietary patterns.


  • How much does a Dexa scan cost?

    1 Scan – $75

    2 Scan Package $141

    4 Scan Package $241

  • What is a DEXA Body Composition Analysis?

    Body Composition measurement with Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) can look beyond weight and body mass index (BMI) to determine body fat distribution.

    The DEXA uses small amounts of radiation to produce a whole picture of the body’s fat mass, non-fat mass, and bone mass. In addition, DEXA scans provide regional body fat results for the arms, legs, android (waist), gynoid (hips), and visceral tissue.*

  • What are the benefits of a DEXA scan?

    Studies have shown that DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scans have a high degree of accuracy, but even more notable is their precision. The true value of a DEXA body composition analysis is the ability to track small (and large) changes in body composition and distribution over time. Your scans are highly comparable, but it is important to always test on the same machine for best results.

    DEXA is the only body composition analysis tool that uses a large-scale database of population scans to compare your results with people who are similar to you. After receiving your body composition analysis and results, you will be able to see how your body fat, muscle mass, and bone density percentage compares to national averages for those of the same age, gender, and race as you.

  • What should I expect?

    DEXA, or “Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry”, is a quick and pain-free scan that gives you a significant amount of information about your body. It provides you with an in-depth analysis of your fat tissue, lean mass, and bone density.

    The machine is quite simple and easy to lay on. Due to its open design patients can comfortably enjoy the test without feeling claustrophobic. It works by sending dual low power x-ray beams that can accurately and precisely differentiate between bone mineral, lean tissue mass, and fat mass.

    After the scan, you will be given a multi-page print out where you will see precise measurements, percentages, mass, and images accounting for the various data obtained.

    The great thing about the DXA scan is that it requires very minimal preparation. For more accurate results you should make sure you are well hydrated and not have any food in your stomach (ideally 2-4 hours since your last meal). It is also important to not take calcium supplements 24 hours prior to your test to ensure accurate bone density readings.

    Upon arriving at our medical office you will be greeted and taken back to meet with the licensed technologist who will perform your scan for you. You will remove any metal jewelry or objects and store them in a bin. After measuring your height and weight, you will be asked to lie down and get comfortable and the scan will begin. The scan takes 6 minutes.

  • How do I read my results?

    We will review the DEXA body composition analysis with you and will also send you home with an interpretation sheet that covers all of the metrics and what they mean.
    See Sample Report

  • How long does a Dexa take?

    The appointment is typically 15-20 minutes depending on how many questions you have about the results and ways to improve your results.

  • Should I eat before the exam?

    It is best practice to fast for 3 hours before your scan for the most accurate results.

  • How often should I get scanned?

    We recommend getting a DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan every 3-6 months, depending on your goals for weight loss and the intensity of your training plan. Most of our customers purchase a package to track their progress over time and stay on target with their goals.

  • Why should I get a Dexa Scan?

    Getting a baseline scan and then regular follow up scans will help you have a clear picture of how your body is changing as you get older.  Our goal at Revitalize is to use data driven recomendations to help you live longer and function better as you age.  

  • What are the benefits?

    Whether your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat, or increase bone health and density, the DEXA scan provides an in-depth analysis. Knowing this information about your body is crucial for optimizing your wellness, preventing disease, and tracking change over time.

  • Who should NOT get a DEXA scan?

    Getting a baseline DEXA should be a priority for all adults regardless of fitness level. The accuracy of the scan will allow you to precisely monitor changes in your body over time with follow up scans. 

    If you are under 18 years of age, pregnant, or are unable to stay still for 6 minutes, you are not eligible for a DEXA scan.

  • Are there any restrictions?

    If you are under 18 years of age, pregnant, or are unable to stay still for 6 minutes, you are not eligible for a DEXA scan.

  • Are there any restrictions?

    Do not consume calcium supplements for 24 hours prior to scan and wait seven days after having a CT with contrast to get your DEXA scan.

Give us a call at 801-999-8252 with any other questions
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Check out this 3-minute video of Peter Attia explaining how DEXA body scans help maintain a functional lifespan as we age.
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  • I went to Revitalize for the Dexa scan and was thoroughly impressed with their services and client interaction. I am not currently a patient there but when I finish the program I am currently on I will be looking into their programs.

    Shauntel was spectacular. She took all the time I needed to understand the process and then she shared with me ways to augment the work I was doing and continue the health improvements I was searching for. I felt like this was way beyond what I had paid for in the Dexa scan and was so impressed with her work.

  • Wow! I got my DEXA Scan done here and I was SO impressed by the experience. The entire team was very kind and friendly, I wasn’t stuck waiting forever, and the office felt very comforting.

    The DEXA Scan itself was a quick and comfortable process. The results were instant and they spent about 45 minutes going over my results with me. Unfortunately the scan showed that I have pretty terrible bone density and that I am on the fast track for osteoporosis in the coming years. But the Revitalize team helped me identify ways that I can turn things around so I can maintain my current quality of life for as long into old age as possible.

    They helped me get scheduled for an advanced blood panel the next day and made scheduling a follow up appointment easy as well.

    My experience at Revitalize was unlike any other doctor’s office I’ve been to. It was easy to see they were not looking to churn me out the door and see their next client but rather that they cared and wanted to give me the time I needed to understand how to better my health. I would 100% recommend working with them!

  • Great experience with the dexa scan. Learned what I need to do moving forward

  • Revitalize medical solutions have been very knowledgeable and friendly. They work well with you figuring the best way forward, helping you achieve your goals. That could be better sleep, clearing foggy brain, having more energy, clear skin or something like recovery and healing. Revitalize can help you look and feel your best.

  • This is from both my Mom and I – we both go here and love it! This practice has totally changes our lives both from a 28 year old perspective a 59 year old perspective – we are both facing different challenges in our lives physically and this place is just amazing! If you’re on the fence, don’t debate it – who wants to just live an OK/normal life….. if you want to feel great mentally and physically, give this place a visit.

  • Revitalize is excellent. The staff are friendly, attentive, and fully capable of giving you the tools to live a happier, healthier life. They have helped me pin point the nutrition and supplementation that my body needs, and I’m astonished at the amount of progress I have made based upon their recommendations, in only a couple of months. What they do is very comprehensive, and for helping you attain better health, they are experts. I have benefited greatly from their service. I highly recommend Revitalize, I believe that everyone needs to work with them. I will 100% be recommending them to my friends and family.